A New Chapter?

I do not know if this is a start to a new chapter that will hopefully be good or just a side note in the current chapter. I received a call today to set up an interview with someone in regard to working with a new craft store opening up in the area. Depending on how the interview goes I may be transition into a new chapter. Part of why I chose to look at this potentially other employer is because I was referred to the job by an acquaintance of mine.pexels-photo-395074.jpeg

This new craft store is opening up in two locations in my area. They are just starting to branch out into this area. I have never been part of a new store and I wonder how it will go if I am hired. At this time however I am not sure if I will go. There are pro’s and con’s to either way.

So, for me to help see I will give the list of each. Staying with my current employer I know what insurance prices are and what kind of insurance I have with them, I know they are going to work with a schedule restraint as well I have already put in my vacation. Some con’s to staying at this employer is that there some changes to the staff due to the new manager. There are people who are being placed which takes hours away from other staff which causes some tension as well some people who are transitioning out due to various reasons. Heck, I was even demoted by the new manager instead of trying to work with me to improve.

For the pro’s and con’s on going to the new employer, the craft store, well I will list them too. Pro’s is that it is closer to where I live and maybe due to that I will not have to have the schedule restraints that I have because of that. Closer will save me gas and maybe allow for more money in my pocket come payday. It could even wiggle in a pay raise with this employer, as the job I am shooting for is at the top of the store pyramid. Con’s to this is that I do not know how my vacation will go, or more or less that it won’t be pay’d time off. I do not know how the insurance rates go and then there will be a lapse of insurance between old and new employers. I know there is this thing called COBRA but I am not sure how all that works. pexels-photo-938958.jpeg

With the concern about insurance I would almost wonder how much I want to exhaust myself and work both jobs until I can get the insurance for the new place. I am on the fence about this choice, and I haven’t even been given the job yet. I am not leading my current employer this information, at least not yet because I do not want any ill will to fall upon me. As it is since I was gone on maternity leave there have been a bond with some staff that make me feel like I am on the outside. There were also some minor changes on how things are being done now and with the new manager it is growing and I am not sure if I am doing things right or not.

With the bond I mentioned, I feel like I am back in High School or something. I see everyone, (mostly 3 people) who have inside jokes where I feel stupid when I ask for clarification or feel stupid when they joke and I don’t ask and I am just lost. It’s like a lose/lose situation right there. They have also created this bond that when they are stocking truck that I feel like I am in the way because they have this great working environment that I am a wrench into their gears. I think part of me is also saddened by this bond because the highest ranking employ in the group is the one who is taking over my job, so I feel that I do not have the respect I need in the title I had.

The more I think about it, the more a new environment is appealing. I love to work with some of the staff, but I feel like a child or something, that I am in the way or I do not know what I am doing. Due to the change of dynamics and the continuing changes I am not excited to go to work as much as I was before I gave birth and was on maternity leave. It’s funny how things change so quickly. pexels-photo-355952.jpeg

Well, I will leave you all while I ponder this possibly new chapter and will let you all know. I would also Love to have opinions about the matter as well. Feel free to ask questions to about the situation to better aid in your opinions.

“Do not wait until the conditions are perfect to begin. Beginning makes the conditions perfect.” ~ Alan Cohen

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